- Accessing the Goal Center
- Setting new goals using the Goal Center
- Editing goals using the Goal Center
- Deleting goals using the Goal Center
The Goal Center allows you to manage all of your goals in one place. You can create, edit, duplicate and delete multiple goals at once using this tool. You can use the filters section to filter down to a subset of goals you want to manage and edit away!
How to use the Goal Center
In the sections below we will review how to access the Goal Center, how to set, edit, delete or duplicate goals, and other additional details that you may have questions about!
More on configuring Goal Views of goals that have been set in Goal Center in the Custom Goal Views article.
Accessing the Goal Center
The Goal Center is accessible from...
- The homepage goals widget
- Any goals page (default and custom)
- The “Set a goal” dialogue box
- The preferences menu under Goals
Default settings for Filters
The Goal Center will automatically filter down to a subset of goals based on who is accessing it and from where.
You can filter the timeframe, people, and metrics you have goals set to make your goal management even easier.
Setting new goals using the Goal Center
To set a goal using the Goal Center...
- Click Add or edit Goals
- Click Add Goal
- Choose the team or individual(s), metric, goal name, value, timeframe, and data filters for this goal
- Click Save!
You are able to set a goal for multiple targets if you know they will have the same goal and goal value.
To make goal setting even easier, we have the following options:
- Team Average & All Reports goal: this will set a team average goal and a goal for each individual on this team (or future individuals who join this team) and each team below this team (if any)
- Team Average Only goal: this will just set a team average goal (so no IC goals will be created with this option)
- All Reports goal: this will set an IC goal for everyone on this team (this is a great shortcut if you know you want to set the same goal for everyone on a team!)
- Team Total with managers goal: this will only set a team total goal including the manager's data
- Team Total without managers goal: this will only set a team total goal excluding the manager's data
Editing goals using the Goal Center
To edit goals in the Goal Center...
- Click Add or edit Goals
- Choose the goals you want to edit
- Click Save!
You will see an orange indicator next to each goal that has been updated. These edited goals are not saved until you click Save and see the green indicator.
Deleting goals using the Goal Center
To delete goals in the Goal Center...
- Click Add or edit Goals
- Choose the goals you want to delete
- You will see a red X indicator at the bottom of the table and on hover, will see all the goals you have deleted. These goals are not deleted until you click Save.
- Click Save!
You can also bulk delete using the checkbox column...
- Click Add or edit Goals
- Check the box next to each of the goals you want to delete
- Click Delete
- Confirm you want to delete these goals
- You will see a red X indicator at the bottom of the table and on hover, will see all the goals you have deleted. These goals are not deleted until you click Save.
- Click Save!
FAQs and Additional Details
Q: What happens when there are duplicates of goals?
A: Atrium will call out any duplicates of goals and ask you which goal you would like to save.
Q: What if I don't want my Team Average goal overwriting all of the IC values I have?
A: Simply change that goal to be a Team Average only goal (note- this option is not live as of 9/12/23 but is expected to be live no late than 9/27/23)! We will no delete those other IC goals that were created from the original Team Average and all reports goal!