How Does Atrium Calculate My Win Rate?
Atrium calculates its three win rate cards (Win Rate, Win Rate-New Business, Win Rate-Existing Business) by taking the number of closed won opportunities and dividing by the total number of closed won & lost closed opportunities for a selected time frame. Check out the detailed card definition here: Win Rate
Key items:
- Atrium calculates based on the pure number of opportunities (“logos”), not a monetary value (Win Rate by Count).
- Atrium begins calculating off closed opps from your company’s unique Sales Accepted Stage. Your team’s win rate is not affected by opps that were not Sales Accepted, had no monetary value, or had negative values.
- Atrium excludes closed opps that never made it to a Sales Accepted Stage.
- Atrium excludes any zero dollar ($0) or negative amounts (<$0).
Why does Atrium calculate win rates from our Sales Accepted Stage?
By calculating win rates from your sales-accepted stage (after filtering out unqualified opps), you’ll have a better understanding of how the team is converting & winning truly qualified potential customers.
Which fields in Salesforce does Atrium look at to know which opps to include in the timeframe?
To calculate the number of closed won opps, Atrium uses the manually-entered (user) closed date on the closed won opp.
To calculate the number of closed lost opps, Atrium uses the actual date/time an opportunity was moved to closed lost (SFDC_close date). Salesforce may contain a manual close date (aka the reps’ best guess) for closed lost opps but Atrium counts when the action was completed & moved to closed lost.
For an opp to count in the denominator of Atrium’s win rate, closed won opps must have a close date that falls within the selected time frame & closed lost opps must have been moved to close (SFDC_close date) during this same time frame.
Why does Atrium look at a different field for closed won opportunities than for closed lost opportunities?
Reps typically are great about updating the closed won date for opportunities in order to be appropriately compensated, but there is less incentive for maintaining accurate user-entered close dates for closed lost opportunities. Likewise, not every organization has the manual/user-entered close date automatically updated when an opp moves to closed lost. Your team’s win rate will be more realistic with Atrium pulling from these two different fields.
What happens if an opp gets moved to closed won or closed lost from a stage that we've put in Atrium's "nurture" category?
Atrium's designation of "Nurture Stages" represent opportunities not in an active sales process (e.g., "nurture" or "on hold" stages). However, if an opp is moved from a stage that has been been marked as "nurture" in Atrium, that opp will be counted in the win rate calculation as long as the original stage was past sales-accepted and had positive value associated with it.
Last updated: 8.3.23