FAQ: How does Atrium deal with Salesforce Parent/Child Accounts?
Atrium treats parent and child accounts in Salesforce as separate accounts and does not incorporate Salesforce account relationships. Atrium uses a sophisticated matching logic to associate calls, emails, and meetings with specific accounts (“companies”). For emails and meetings, Atrium primarily connects the email address with a contact or an opportunity associated with that account. If there isn’t a contact with that email address on the account or opportunity, Atrium looks for related contacts with that same email suffix or goes one level further to look at the email domain on the account. Some customers delineate between parent and child accounts using a custom data filter or Atrium’s native account type or tier filter.Checkout a short walk-through of custom filters!
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Prefer to dig into the details? Have additional questions? Check out these in-depth resources:
Be sure to check out the Accounts Touched Card overview.
- Atrium U Module on Custom Data Filters.
Email your CSM at customer-success@atriumhq.com !