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Atrium Card Link: Win Rate
Atrium Card Link: Win Rate - New Business card
Atrium Card Link: Win Rate - Existing Business card
Percentage of total sales-accepted business opportunities closed that were won in the given time period. Win Rate will exclude Closed Won free trials ($0 opportunities) and finance adjustments (<$0 opportunities).
This is calculated by dividing the number of sales-accepted opportunities closed won in a given period over the total number of sales-accepted opportunities closed won and closed lost during that period, excluding free trials and finance adjustments.
You will find 3 Win Rate Cards in Atrium:
- Win Rate: This is the Win Rate of all closed won deals in the given time period. This card is valuable for teams that close a combination of New and Existing Business Deals (Account Managers, Growth AEs, etc)
- Win Rate - New Business: This is the Win Rate for all New Business Opportunities that were closed won in the given time period. This card is valuable for teams that primarily close new business deals (Inside Sales reps, etc)
- Win Rate - Existing Business: This is the Win Rate for all Existing Business Opportunities closed won in the given time period. This card is valuable for team that primarily focus on existing business deals (Account Managers, Customer Success, etc).
Note: The Sales Accepted Stage and Opp Types mappings (which types are "New Business" or "Existing Business") are in your Organization Preferences Page.
(Learn more about how Atrium Actions & Objects work to calculate metrics.)
Metric Time Vector:
1) To calculate closed won opps, Atrium uses the manual/user-entered closed date on the closed won opp.
2) To calculate closed lost opps, Atrium uses the actual date/time an opportunity was moved to closed lost (SFDC_close date). Salesforce may contain a manual close date for closed lost opps but Atrium counts when the action was completed & moved to closed lost.
Metric Value Vector:The ratio of the number of closed won opportunities divided by the number of closed opportunities (won or lost).
Why It's Important
Win Rate is a key input of the Revenue Formula as it measures your reps' or team's ability to win deals. It's important to know your team's win rate to understand When assessing a team or rep performance, win rate is an important metric to investigate either selling efficiency issues or outperformance.
How to Use It
If you've been using the existing Win Rate cards, but your team closes both New and Existing Business deals and you have been wanting to measure the combined performance of your team, this is the card for your team!
If you need some tips on how to incorporate the Win Rate cards into your flow, here are some common use cases:
- Win Rate is a variable in the Bookings Formula (Bookings = Opps * Win Rate * ASP / Sales Cycle) and gives a measure of a rep's selling quality. It's an important metric to use to evaluate the performance of your team or reps.
- Teams should track Win Rate over time for both teams and reps - especially as your organization makes changes to pricing or market strategy. For example, as you enter new verticals, increase your pricing, or enter new market segments (SMB, MM, ENT), its important to track how these changes affect your Win Rate over time to adjust your sales motion.
- Add this card to your Forecasting Dashboards and Alert Feeds to use your team's historic Win Rates and current open opps and historic ASPs to understand future bookings.
- Use the Opp Type filters on the Win Rate card to evaluate Win Rate for your different Opp Types (i.e., product specific or certain expansion type deal cycles). You can use this with the Opps Owned card for a more granular view into Rep Performance and to use in Forecasting and Planning.
- Set Goals on this card to set a benchmark for the win rate you expect your team to be delivering in order to reach their quota.
Examples of How to Use This in Practice
Track improvement in team trends over time:
Identify reps who are struggling with win rate for coaching opportunities:
Advanced Details
$0 or Negative Value Opportunities: Occasionally organizations will Close / Win opportunities with $0 or negative values in order to true up bookings number or keep track of other information. Those $0 or negative value opps that are Closed Won are not included in Win Rate.
Why does Atrium calculate win rates from our Sales Accepted Stage?
By calculating win rates from your sales-accepted stage (after filtering out unqualified opps), you’ll have a better understanding of how the team is converting & winning truly qualified potential customers.
Why does Atrium look at different fields in Salesforce for closed won opportunities vs. closed lost opportunities?
Reps are great about updating the closed won date for opportunities in order to be appropriately compensated, but there is less incentive for maintaining accurate user-entered close dates for closed lost opportunities.
Likewise, not every organization has the manual/user-entered close date automatically updated when an opp moves to closed lost. Your team’s win rate will be more realistic with Atrium pulling from these two different fields.
What happens if an Opp gets moved to closed won or closed lost from a stage that we've put in Atrium's "nurture" category?
Atrium's designation of "Nurture Stages" represent opportunities not in an active sales process (e.g. "nurture" or "on hold" stages). However, if an opp is moved from a stage that has been been marked as "nurture" in Atrium, that opp will be counted in the win rate calculation as long as the original stage was past sales-accepted and the opp has positive value associated with it.
Last updated: 8.3.23