All Atrium Metrics Catalog by Role, Goals, and Use Case
Card in Atrium: Average Opportunity Size
The average pipeline value of opportunities that were open or closed during the given time interval. (Learn more about how Atrium Actions & Objects work to calculate metrics.)
Metric Time Vector:The point in time in which the opportunities used in the calculation were owned.
Metric Value Vector:The ratio of the sum of the value of all open opportunities, using the mapped "Atrium Pipeline Value" field, dividied by the number of opportunities owned at that point in time.
How is this metric calculated?
- If the opportunity is open at the end of the grouping time period, we use the value at the end of the given time period.
- If the opportunity is closed (won or lost) at the end of the grouping time period, we use the last open pipeline value before the opportunity moved from open to closed.
- If the opportunity was transferred away from the individual while open during the grouping time period, we use the value at the last point the opportunity was owned by the individual.
Why It's Important
Average Opportunity Size is a precursor to Average Selling Price and is an important metric to monitor while forecasting expected sales performance. Understanding average value of opportunities in a rep's pipeline helps their manager to know how many incremental deals in pipeline are needed to hit quota and the expected sales cycle and win rate based on their existing pipeline. Additionally, if a rep has Positive or Warning Average Selling Price Alerts in Atrium, their manager can use the average opp size card to explain if their ASP alert is caused by primarily working deals of a certain size.
How Do I Use It?
The Average Opp Size Card is a great addition to your Forecasting Dashboards and Alert Feeds to understand how many incremental deals are required to hit quota.
Review in Team Meetings and Rep 1:1s to inspect the size of deals that make up their pipeline and help reps understand how their average opp size affects their sales process and quota attainment.
Set Goals using your expected ASP value to get proactively alerted if reps are trending ahead or behind where you expect them to be.
Why is there an opp showing up on this card that I closed out recently or no longer own?
This card will show any opp that a rep owned AND was open in the given time period. So if you are looking at a past time period, you will see opps that have since closed or been transferred to other owners.
What $$ value are you using here?
This card will show the average pipeline value based on your Salesforce <> Atrium Pipeline Value mapping. You can inspect and/or update that mapping here.
Why does the Pipeline Amount at Close or Calculated Opp Size for Closed Won deals not match my Bookings value?
The Pipeline Amount at Close uses the last open pipeline value before an opp moved to Closed to show you what the final pipeline value was. We do this to help you better understand how well reps are forecasting deals and estimating their pipeline values before a deal is won.
Some orgs update the Pipeline Value when a deal closes (won or lost) either through a standard practice or using Workflow rules, so the value changes when a deal moves to closed. Atrium wants this card to be insightful for you and to help teams better understand what their average opp sizes are and how that helps with forecasting. By showing you the last value before the opp closed, you can now see if reps are forecasting accurately - if, for example, a rep or team's Avg Opp Size at Closed Won and their ASP is very similar, they are likely properly forecasting and updating their pipelines. On the other hand, if a rep or team has a big difference between Avg Opp Size at Close Won and their ASP, its likely that they are not updating their pipelines and/or are struggling to appropriately estimate what their prospect will be buying.