Our Data Filters got a few updates!
You may have noticed that our data filters are looking a little different. We wanted to make a few updates to make it easier to add filters, know what filters are in use, and split your graphs in fewer steps, so we've made some changes.
Splitting a Graph:
The "Split Graph By" tool allows you to subdivide your bar charts by data filters to see how your data is broken down. This tool is now a drop down that shows you all of the filter options available.
Don't want any subdivision? Just select the first option "No Subdivision."
Adding Filters to Cards:
You will now find the "Add a filter" button at the top of your filters list to make it easier to find.
Click on "Add a filter" and select the filter you want to use. You can then de-select values to narrow the set of data you want to see.
Filters with Many Values:
If you have a filter that has many values, we will shorten the list to keep the left side panel condensed, so you can see more of the filters in use. If you want to make edits to what values are in the filter, just click into the shaded box under the filter name to open all of the options and select or deselect what you need!