When you first joined Atrium you were required to move everyone being tracked in Atrium to a visible sub-org within G Suite, and as new reps have joined since that step may have been missed.
If you see that one or more reps have no email or meeting data but the rest of the team does, it's likely they're not in a visible sub-org with the rest of the team. In that case, you can make a quick edit to the visible sub-org in G Suite by following the step below.
First, locate a G Suite admin in your company if you are not one, as you will need them to complete this step. Go to the User List ( https://admin.google.com/ac/users ) in Google Apps admin interface ( https://admin.google.com ) and just move them to the relevant Organizational Unit that the rest of the team is in:
Allow 24 hours for data to start flowing in, and you're all set!