Maybe your company's name has changed and the email domain has as well, or maybe someone got married and their last name changed, along with their corresponding corporate email address? There are many reasons why someone's corporate email address would change, and in order to make sure we have the most up-to-date data we need to have the most up-to-date email address in Atrium.
Since a persons email address is tied to so many moving parts within Atrium however, this is not a step that can be completed by you, it will need to be completed by Atrium Support. It's very important for the transition process that you do not create a new profile with the updated email address or make any changes to their current and active profile.
Simply shoot an email over to with the old email address for confirmation, as well as the new email address that it needs to be updated to, and we'll have everything updated on our end swiftly. Once done, you should expect data to be updated fully within 24 hours.
If you have made changes however, please make sure and include the details of what was changed and where when sending in an email to Support so that we can ensure no other changes will cause a discrepancy in the email or meeting data.