Data-driven sales management is all about using metrics and data to improve rep and team performance.
Accordingly, being able to easily look at Atrium Metrics for individual reps, team averages, and team totals in easy, seamless fashion is a core part of Atrium.
The way this is done in Atrium is with the "People Picker" - our rather cheeky internal name for the part of Atrium used to select the people (or teams, or totals, or averages) that show up on a configured metric card.
People Picker
A "demo mode" visualization of Atrium's "People Picker" with fun Disney Character names
The people who have been "picked" in the above metric card.
Visual Org Chart
The people picker is the easy visualization of your Atrium instance's org chart. It exists to make it incredibly easy to select reps, teams, and other subjects of interest for quick investigation using Atrium's metrics card. (More on administering your Atrium instance's Org Chart here.)
If you want to reconfigure how reps show up in the people picker, you can modify their groupings in the org chart editor.
Individual Subjects
One of the most common ways to visualize Atrium metrics is on a rep by rep basis. To do so, you just select the reps you'd like to visualize.
This could be a subset of people on a team:
Or it could be the entire team:
When saving card configurations on dashboards, if you use the "Entire Team" selector, as more people are added to that team (or removed from the team), the card in question will reflect the "Entire Team", keeping you from having to update all those dashboard tiles with new reps (or remove old reps).
Former Reps
If you are interested in comparing data from reps who were previously members of your Atrium instance, but who have left the organization, and been marked as "Former" in Atrium, you can still access their historical data by using the "Show former employees" toggle.
This can be useful for bringing in the metrics of prior reps - whether high or lower performers - to compare to current team members - perhaps in a a ramping scenario, as below.
Team Totals
The people picker also allows you to select the "Total" for a team you're inspecting.
Learn more about how Atrium calculates team totals.
This can include a total that includes values for the manager of that team (if, for example there's a manager who also owns opportunities).
Former Reps & Totals: "Total" values will include data for "former" reps who were members of that team at the relevant point in time, to ensure that team totals (e.g., total bookings or total new opportunities) are not negatively impacted from the removal of a former reps.
Totals of Multiple Teams: If you have a situation where you'd like to include the totals for multiple teams, you can do so by selecting the "Team Total" that is "higher" in the org chart. This will include the total for all the descendant teams in the org chart.
Totals like this can be very helpful for including in team-level cards and strategic dashboards. As with these two "New Opportunities Owned" cards - one visualized monthly and one visualized weekly.
Another way to visualize Atrium data is with team averages.
Learn more about how Atrium calculates Team Averages
Averages can be helpful to track on their own (e.g., the average number of meetings each rep on a team is having per month) or to include in a visualization with individual reps to show how each rep compares to the average.
Ramping vs. Non-Ramper Averages: When you have active rampers on a team, their metrics can be substantially lower than fully ramped peers. This is why Atrium allows you to select a "Team Average - Ramped" vs. "Team Average - All" - in the event that you'd like to include or exclude ramping teammates from the average that is visualized.
Former Reps & Average: As with "Total" values, "Averages" will include data for "former" reps who were members of that team at the relevant point in time.
Custom Groups
Custom Groups are a new feature that allow you to manipulate/visualize data in all the ways laid out above (totals, averages, etc.), but to pick exactly who composes the group of individuals you would like to track! Learn more about custom groups here.
Related Articles:
How Atrium Uses Role History in Team Totals and Team Averages
How to use Custom Groups in Atrium