Atrium allows you to track each team members Role History to keep a detailed record of your evolving Org Chart so that Atrium can give you accurate team totals and averages. This article will help to explain how Atrium calculates team totals and averages using Role History Records.
Role History
Atrium's Role History allows you to keep track of your team's roles over time, so as they change managers, levels, disciplines, or segments, we can appropriately attribute a rep's data to the right team. When you view a Manager's team total or average, it will include the exact reps that reported to that manager during that time period. This allows you to better track team performance over time and get accurate department and org level data.
In order to get the most accurate data, it's important to maintain your org chart to ensure team data is correct. When you view a user's Role History Record, it will show you where in the org chart their data will be attributed at any given point.
Learn more about Role History and updating your Org Chart
Org Chart Examples:
This is a rep who has always held the same position, but has changes managers several times with the organization.
- From 03/03/2020 - 11/30/2020: This rep's data will be included only in the org wide team total and averages, because they were not assigned a manager
- From 11/30/2020-08/09/2022: This rep's data will be included in Launchpad McQuack's team total and averages (and any manager above Launchpad McQuack in the org's hierarchy)
- From 08/09/2022-NOW: This rep's data will be included in Henry Fenner's team total and team averages (and any manager above Henry Fenner in the org's hierarchy)
This is a rep who has held multiple positions with different managers.
- From 01/08/2019-11/01/2020: This rep's data will be included only in the org wide team total and averages, because they were not assigned a manager
- From 11/01/2020-NOW: This rep's data will be included in Headless Horseman's team total and team averages (and any manager above Headless Horseman in the org's hierarchy)
How Role History is Used in Atrium Totals vs Averages
Atrium uses the Role History in your org chart when calculating team totals and averages to attribute your rep's data to the correct managers so your team level data is as accurate as possible. However, Atrium includes users differently in Team Totals and Team Averages.
Team Totals
In any particular timeframe, the team total will include anyone below that manager in the org chart hierarchy during that time or portion thereof.
For Example:
You are looking at Manager Jane Doe's Bookings for Last Quarter.
During Last Quarter, Jane had 4 reps that reported to her for the full quarter, and then one rep, Jake, who reported to her for the first month and then was moved to a different team in the same discipline and segment.
Jane's Team Totals will include the 4 reps that reported to her for the full quarter AND Jake's first month of the quarter bookings while he reported to Jane.
Last Quarter Team Total grouped by None - Jake's data from his first month (while he reported to this team) is included in the team total.
Last Quarter Team Total grouped by Month - All of Jake's first month data is included in the team total because he reported to this team. He is excluded from the next two months because he reported to a different team then.
Team Averages
In order for reps to be included in a team average they must have reported to the selected manager in the org chart hierarchy during the entire length of the selected time period.
For Example:
You are looking at Manager Jane Doe's Bookings for Last Quarter.
During Last Quarter, Jane had 4 reps that reported to her for the full quarter, and then one rep, Jake, who reported to her for the first month and then was moved to a different team in the same role.
Jane's Team Averages will include the 4 reps that reported to her for the full month only AND NOT Jake's first month of the quarter bookings while he reported to Jane.
We do this because we do not want a rep's partial time on a team to skew the average of the team because they were not on that team for the full period.
Last Quarter Team Average Grouped by None - Jake is not included because he did not report to this manager for the full period shown.
Last Quarter Team Average grouped by Month - Jake IS included in the first month because he was on the team for that full period. He is excluded from the next 2 months because he did not report to the team at that point.
FAQ / Additional Details
My rep's Role History is incorrect - can I fix this?
Absolutely. You can add a new current role OR edit and add their historical roles from their user record. See our support article on the Role History Record for additional help on editing user records.
If a user's manager is "Not Specified," where is their data included?
If a user's manager is listed as "Not Specified," this is usually because their manager at that time is not in Atrium's record OR they didn't belong to a specific team during that time period. This user's data will be included in the org total and averages (the top of the org chart) only, but not any other manager's team total or averages.
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