Atrium provides over 100 metrics to help you manage your sales team's performance. You can think of these as "default metrics" because they are the baseline you can remix into thousands of variations or configurations.
Frequently, you'll want to fiddle with these default metrics—adjust which people or teams to include, which filters to use, and which time frame to display—to match the particular analysis to your management use case. Is a metric improving over time? How does one team compare to another? What if you filter the metric to only certain segments of your business?
You can dynamically change all these attributes for any metric on Atrium at any time, but if you want to be able to easily come back to a specific configuration later, you can save any configuration as a "Saved Card."
Here is an example of a Saved Card where "Activity Per Opp Created" is saved as a new card that looks at the Account Executive Team, filtered down to meetings, for the last 6 months, and split by month.
How Do You Use It?
Creating a Saved Card
From a Default Metric
- Go to the metrics card you want to use as your foundation.
- Make the changes to filters, people, and other data configurations you desire.
- Click the Save button > Create Saved Card...
- Enter the name of your new Saved Card and add a description.
- Choose one or more folders in which to save your new card.
(Folders make it easy to organize metrics, dashboards, and so on.) - Click Create Saved Card button.
From an Existing Saved Card
To save a new configuration based on an existing Saved Card:
- Go to the Saved Card you want to use as your foundation.
- Make the changes to filters, people, and other data configurations you desire.
- You then have two options:
- If you want to overwrite the card you previously saved with your new configuration, click the "Save changes to this Card" option, decide if you want to update the name, then click Save changes.
- If you want to keep your previously-saved card and save your new configuration as a new Saved Card, click the "Create Saved Card" option, choose a name for this new Saved Card and what folders you want it in, then Create Saved Card.
From a Dashboard Tile
To save a Dashboard Tile as a Saved Card:
- Go to the Dashboard Tile you wish to create a Saved Card from.
- Make any changes you need (changes are not necessary).
- Click Save, choose the "Create Saved Card..." option, name your new Saved Card and choose one or more folders to add it to, then click Create Saved Card.
Accessing a Saved Card
There are several ways to access a saved card view, including:
- From the card switcher.
- From the folder(s) in which you saved the card.
- By searching for the saved card name in the search box at the top of every Atrium page:
- From the "Owned by Me" index page at the bottom of the navigation sidebar on the left of your screen (or from "Share with Me" if it is one you do not own).
- From the Recently Viewed section at the top of the navigation sidebar at the left of your screen.
- From Recently Viewed in the search box at the top of every Atrium page.
Renaming a Saved Card
To change the name of a saved card:
- Go to the saved card you want to change.
- Click the ... menu and select Edit Title.
The name you choose for a Saved Card cannot be the same as a default metrics card. The name must be unique among all of your Saved Cards, but it can share the name of a saved card view someone has shared with you.
Sharing a Saved Card
Once you've created a new Saved Card, don't keep it to yourself! Your team can be more efficient if you share some key Saved Cards with them.
You may give other team members access to your Saved Cards within Atrium, or you can set up your Saved Cards to be automatically distributed to yourself and others via email or Slack.
Sharing in Atrium
You can share a Saved Card with other users on Atrium so they can find it in search, add it to their saved folders, edit the configuration (if you give them edit access), or simply access the card from their "Shared with Me" index at the bottom of the navigation sidebar to the left of your screen. You can do this for any saved card you have created (that is, where you are the "owner") or one that has been shared with you for which you have editing permission.
To share a card:
- Go to the Saved Card you want to share.
- Click the Share icon menu and select Share Access.
- Type the employee or team name to find them in the search results.
- Set their permission level. If you want them to be able to view, edit, and share the card you have saved, make them an Editor. Otherwise, make them a Viewer.
- Click the Share button.
- Each person you shared with will receive an email notifying them of this newly shared Saved Card.
Sharing via Email or Slack
You can also share your Saved Card (or a card for which you have editing permission) with other people (or yourself!) via email or Slack. If you have not yet connected your Atrium account to Slack, be sure to connect to Slack first.
To share a card with someone via email or Slack:
- Go to the Saved Card you want to share.
- Click the Share icon menu and select either Email or Slack.
- Specify the schedule on which you would like to send updates for the Saved Card.
- Enter the individual email address, distribution list email address, individual Slack handles, or Slack channel names to which you want to distribute the saved card.
- Click the Save button.
Deleting a Saved Card
To delete a saved card you created:
- Go to the metrics card you want to delete.
- Click the ... menu and select Delete View.
- Please be certain you want to permanently delete that saved card because you cannot recover a deleted saved-card view.
Note that you cannot delete any default metrics card.
FAQs and Additional Details
I used the Opportunity Health metrics card to create a Saved Card. It doesn't appear as a Saved Card but it does appear as a saved Opp Health view. Why?
Opportunity Health (Opp Health) is the total pipeline owned by a given rep, split by the underlying opportunity health of that pipeline. The card is a special one in Atrium because it is shown in a special view that displays in one view both the graph you typically see on a card as well as the data you would see when you toggle from Graph to Data view. That is, there is no need to switch back and forth between the graph view and data view because everything is on a single page.
Because Opp Health is special, any Opportunity Health card you create by saving an Opp Health variation as a Saved Card view is shown in the Opp Health view. You can still do all of the things with Opp Health views as you can with any other Saved Card (e.g., you can put them in folders, distribute them via email or Slack, and so on).
How do I change a metrics card that is on a Dashboard and save it?
Metrics cards on a dashboard are specific to that dashboard. We call these Tiles.
To make a change to the configuration of the card inside the dashboard:
- Go to the Dashboard that has the Tile you want to change.
- Click the ... menu and select Edit Dashboard Metrics.
- Move your mouse over the Tile you want to change, then click Edit Card.
- Make the changes you desire, then click the Save Tile button.
- Click Done.
To create a separate Saved Card not associated with a Dashboard, with the same configuration of a Tile that is on a dashboard:
- From the Dashboard, move your mouse over the Tile you want to create a Saved Card from
- Click the Save button and choose "Create Saved Card..." option
- Enter a unique name and choose one or more folders in which to save your new Saved Card.
(Folders make it easy to organize metrics, dashboards, and so on.) - Click the Create Saved Card button.
- You now have created a separate Saved Card that is not associated with the Dashboard but the Tile you created this Saved Card from remains the same.
I was curious and from a Dashboard just clicked into a Tile to get a better look. I ended up making changes. Can I save these changes back to my Dashboard?
Yes! After making changes to a Tile, you can click the Save button and pick from two options:
- Save changes to this Tile...
- This will overwrite the Tile your just made changes to.
- Create new Tile...
- This will keep the original Tile unchanged but add a new Tile to the Dashboard you were working on.