Table of Contents:
Atrium helps sales teams use data to improve performance. An important way to do that is to harmonize many of the different types of actions and objects that sales teams conduct and interact with, in a way that allows Atrium to calculate metrics that are used to measure, manage, and improve rep behavior.
To do that, Atrium has a couple core concepts, which we call "Actions" and "Objects" which are used to calculate Atrium's hundreds of metrics.
Actions: Actions are the actions and activities that reps do in the world to sell. Emails, Calls, Meetings, LinkedIn Messages, and so on.
Objects: Objects are concepts that we use to make sense of those activities. These are concepts like "Accounts" (Companies) or "Contacts" (People), and also specific CRM objects like Salesforce Accounts, Salesforce Leads, Salesforce Contacts, and Salesforce Opportunties.
Association Logic: Atrium then uses a bunch of magical association logic to connect these actions to objects in a variety of ways, typically to calculate a new metric, like Opportunities Touched, Untouched Opportunities or "Contacts ("People") Touched Per Account ("Company")"
We'll provide some more details below to help with better understanding of how this works.
Email is a core type of sales behavior that Atrium counts. How it ends up in Atrium is explained more in-depth in another support article, How Email Data Ends up in Atrium.
There are two ways Atrium can ingest email data, and it can be configured on a per role basis (e.g. the Mid-Market AE Team could be using one email system, Outreach, say, and the Outbound SDR team could be using another - Salesloft).
"Salesforce Email" Atrium can count email activities off of Salesforce activities ("Salesforce Email" as we say) from sales engagement tools that log emails onto Contacts and Leads in the CRM. Atrium simply uses the same Salesforce data connection to read these activities as it uses to read other Salesforce data (opportunities, etc.). For roles and organizations that are using this, Atrium can only read email activities that are logged to the CRM - if a rep sends an email to an email address that is not logged as a Lead or Contact in the CRM, and thus no Salesforce activity is logged - Atrium won't be able to count it. The typical approach here is for Atrium to read completed activities of Type "Email", but this can be configured. The relevant mappings to support "Salesforce Email" are administered in Atrium's admin panel.
"Direct Email" Atrium can also read email directly from an organization's email system - supporting both Gmail and Office 365. This requires additional data connections directly to the email system in question. (Google , Office 365). The benefit of this approach is that Atrium can ingest, count, and associate email activities that aren't necessarily logged to the CRM (which can be quite a few).
Importantly different roles can have different email systems (e.g., SDR team using Salesforce Email, mapped to Outreach patterns. AE team using Direct Email via Gmail). This configuration needs to be done by your CSM or Support ( ).
Atrium primarily uses calendar data to populate meeting concepts. With organizations that use Google, this is typically possible from the initial Google Calendar connection on sign up ("Single Player Calendar"), but sometimes requires a Google Apps Marketplace install for more complete coverage. With organizations that use Office 365, calendar access requires admin installation into Office 365 workplace.
SFDC Meetings Created: There's a small exception here where Atrium has a special card, "Salesforce Meetings Created" that can be configured to count the number of completed Salesforce Events of a particular configured type.
Atrium uses Salesforce activity data to populate Call concepts. Akin to "Salesforce Email" above, Atrium reads call activities off of Contacts and Leads in the CRM that have been logged there by sales engagement or calling software. The typical approach is for Atrium to read completed activities of Type "Call", but this can be configured. The mappings to support call data are administered in the Atrium admin panel.
A "touch" is an important concept in Atrium, in that as sales people, how we are "in touch" with our prospects and customers is important to measure and manage. Atrium's concept of a "touch" shows up in a variety of Atrium metric cards - like "Opps Touched". Touches are composed of the three major actions noted above - Emails, Meetings, and Calls. This is because organizations care when the last "touch" was on a given opportunity, company, person, and so on, regardless if it was an email, call, or meeting. And similarly, when understanding if an opportunity has been touched, or not, the same applies.
Objects are the concepts in Atrium that activities are associated with, and used for calculating helpful metrics of either quantity ("Opportunities Touched") or quality ("Contacts (People) Touched per Account (Company)"). We'll talk a bit about how we use these below.
Atrium "Accounts" (Companies)
When Atrium talks about "Accounts" in metrics cards, this should be construed as "Companies." That is, Atrium primarily uses email address domains (e.g., the "" in "") to consolidate to an Atrium "account".
For example, if you want to understand truly how many touches an SDR was putting on a given company in order to set a meeting, you would likely want to consolidate that amongst any unique email addresses, Salesforce Leads, and Salesforce Contacts that SDR was touching (emailing, calling, having meetings with). This is why Atrium consolidates around the concept of a domain.
As a result, metrics like "Touches Per Account ("Company")" use information from Salesforce Accounts and Salesforce Leads - since a given email address could be associated with a Salesforce Lead, but not yet converted into a Salesforce Contact, or be associated with a Salesforce Contact. Metrics like "Touches Per Account ("Company")", "Contacts ("People") Touched per Account ("Company")", "Accounts ("Companies") Touched to Opps Created Ratio" all use this concept of a "consolidated Atrium account."
So too with a metric like "Accounts ("Companies") Touched Per Opp Created" - the number of "Accounts ("Companies")" being touched here would include any unique domains interacted with directly via direct email, found on leads, or associated to Salesforce Contacts.
Atrium "Contacts" (People)
Atrium uses the unique identifier of an email address (e.g., "") to signify a single "Person." These email addresses can show up in a meeting invite or raw email being sent (e.g., when using direct data from Google Apps or Office 365), or can be present in the "Email" field on a Salesforce Lead or Salesforce Contact. Atrium treats all of these as "People", and uses them to calculate metrics like "Contacts ("People") Touched" or "Contacts ("People") Touched per Account ("Company")".
As an example, a metric like "Contacts ("People") Touched Per Account ("Company") will not just include people that are modeled as Salesforce Contacts, but also Salesforce Leads (either emailed, called, or met with), or raw email addresses from direct data out of Office 365 or Gmail.
Salesforce Opportunities
Salesforce Opportunities are opportunities that are present in the Salesforce instance that is connected to the user's Atrium instance. These are used for single-object metrics like "Opportunities Owned" or "Bookings" or "Win Rate" but also combination metrics like "Untouched Opps" (using touch data and opportunity data) or "Accounts ("Companies") Touched to Opps Created". The association logic that Atrium uses is fairly involved in order to do a good job of attributing touches (or a lack of those touches) to Opportunities. Atrium also uses data from Opportunities in order to facilitate filtering and graph segmenting. This can be administered in the Atrium admin panel. Opportunity data can also be used for custom filters.
Salesforce Leads
Atrium uses activity data off of leads - like emails and calls to inform a number of metrics. While Atrium card names don't necessarily mention the word "lead" email or call activities that are logged against leads are indeed counted in metrics like "Emails Sent", "Calls," and so on. Further these activities that are logged to leads are also used to calculate metrics like "Contacts ("People") Touched" and "Accounts ("Companies") Touched" - in that there are email addresses on those Salesforce Leads that count as unique People and whose domains can be counted as a "Company".
As such email addresses associated with leads that are emailed or leads that have call activities on them would be included in metrics like "Touches per Account ("Company"), in that the unique people represented by those email addresses would be consolidated into an Atrium Account ("Company") for the purposes of calculating that metric. Similarly, email addresses associated with Salesforce Leads that are emailed or leads that have calls would be counted in metrics like "Contacts ("People") Touched".
Atrium does not use Lead data for filtering and graph segmenting yet.
Salesforce Contacts
Atrium uses activities that are logged to Salesforce Contacts to count the touches that populate action metrics, like Emails Sent, Calls, and so on. Atrium does not use Contact data for filtering and graph segmenting yet.
Salesforce Accounts
Atrium uses salesforce Account data primarily for filtering and graph segmenting. This can be administered in the Atrium admin panel. The one place Atrium uses Salesforce Account data to calculate a metric directly is Untouched Accounts - which uses the Account Owner field to indicate. Importantly, Salesforce Account information is not the only source of data for Atrium metrics like "Accounts ("Companies") Touched" or "New Accounts ("Companies") Touched" - as those are calculated from a broader set of data, including activity information from Salesforce Leads but also direct activity like emails and meetings pulled from email and calendar systems.
Example 1: An AE named Jordan sends an email from Gmail to a prospect named Juan at a company named BigCo.
Action: Email
- Atrium "Contact" (Person): Juan
- Atrium "Account" (Company): BigCo
Metrics: Examples of metrics that would be impacted by the above (examples, not exhaustive).
- 1 Email Sent
- 1 Account (Company) Touched (BigCo)
- 1 Contacts (People) Touched (Juan)
Example 2: An AE named Susan has a meeting on Google Calendar with a prospect named Jeff (no Lead or Contact in Salesforce) at a company called SmallCo that has an open Salesforce Opportunity that Susan owns.
Action: Meeting
- Atrium "Contact" (Person): Jeff
- Atrium "Account" (Company): SmallCo
- Salesforce Opportunity: SmallCo Opp in Susan's Pipeline
- Salesforce Account: SmallCo Salesforce Account
- 1 Meeting
- 1 Account (Company) Touched
- 1 Contact (People) Touched
- 1 Opp Touched
Example 3: An SDR named Sydney schedules a meeting via Google Calendar with two prospects named Ana (a Lead in Salesforce) and Ping (a Contact in Salesforce) at a company called Banner, and creates an opportunity in Salesforce that she assigns to an AE named Bob.
Action: Meeting
- Atrium "Contact" (Person): Ana & Ping
- Atrium "Account" (Company): Banner
- Salesforce Opportunity: Banner Opp
- Salesforce Lead: Ana's Lead in Salesforce
- Salesforce Contact: Ping's Contact in Salesforce
- 1 Meeting Created
- 1 Account (Company) Touched
- 2 Contacts (People) Touched
- 1 Opp Created (Sydney)
- 1 New Opp Owned (Bob)
Example 4: An SDR named Ricky calls a a prospect named Jeff (Lead in Salesforce) that he's never engaged before, at a company called RadCo that he's never engaged before.
Action: Call
- Atrium "Contact" (Person): Jeff
- Atrium "Account" (Company): RadCo
- Salesforce Lead: Jeff's lead in Salesforce
- 1 Call
- 1 Prospecting Call
- 1 Account (Company) Touched
- 1 New Account (Company) Touched
- 1 Contact (People) Touched
- 1 New Contact (People) Touched